Multicenter Interventional Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) Early Disease Trial
This is a study to determine if early, long-term low dose sirolimus is effective for preventing progression to more advanced stages.
National Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Registry, France
RE-LAM-CE is a registry of lymphangioleiomyomatosis cases in France. its aim is to determine the incidence and prevalence of lymphangioleiomyomatosis in France, including demographic information and information concerning the timing and modalities of diagnosis. Based on the registry, we will set up a prospective cohort of patients. The database will include detailed medical information, particularly regarding progression of the respiratory function.
National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases
The goal of this National Registry is to is to collect information from patients with rare kidney diseases, so that it that can be used for research. The purpose of this research is to: - Develop Clinical Guidelines for specific rare kidney diseases. These are written recommendations on how to diagnose and treat a medical condition. - Audit treatments and outcomes. An audit makes checks to see if what should be done is being done and asks if it could be done better. - Further the development of future treatments. Participants will be invited to participate on clinical trials and other studies. The registry has the capacity to feedback relevant...
Nebulized or Inhaled Albuterol for Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Background: - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare type of lung disease that occurs almost exclusively in women. In LAM, muscle tissue grows in the lungs and starts to block the flow of air. It is a progressive disease, and in severe cases may require a lung transplant. One possible treatment to improve breathing in people with LAM is inhaled albuterol. Albuterol can be given in a metered dose inhaler (MDI) or with a nebulizer. Researchers want to compare these methods to see which method best improves lung function in women with LAM. Objectives: - To see whether a nebulizer or MDI can better improve lung function in...
Phase 2 Ascending Dose Safety and Efficacy Study of RVP-001, a Manganese-based MRI Contrast Agent
This Phase 2 clinical trial will study RVP-001, a new manganese-based MRI contrast agent, in people who are known to have gadolinium-enhancing central nervous system (CNS) lesions, for example stable brain tumors or multiple sclerosis. The goal of this study is to assess safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of RVP-001 at three dose levels. The study will also compare RVP-001 imaging to gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) imaging. A single dose of RVP-001 will be administered to each subject. Subjects will have known gadolinium-enhancing CNS lesions and will be due to have a routine gadolinium-based contrast agent-enhanced MRI of the brain a few days before receiving RVP-001...
Placebo Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Rapamycin in Drug Resistant Epilepsy Associated With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
The purpose of the RaRE-TS study is to determine safety, tolerability and efficacy of rapamycin versus placebo in a drug resistant epilepsy associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).
Qualitative Study in Patients With Genodermatoses and Healthcare Professionals on Reproductive Counselling
The goal of this observational study is to understand the perspectives and needs of patients with genodermatoses and their partners who wish to have children, regarding their decision-making process and their consideration of reproductive options. Additionally, the investigators aim to investigate the level of knowledge and perspectives of healthcare professionals (such as clinical geneticists, dermatologists and other clinicians involved), and want to explore to what extent patients and their partners are well informed about these reproductive options. To achieve this, the investigators will conduct individual semi-structured...
Regulating Together in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
The purpose of this study is to use a program called Regulating Together (RT), a remote, non-pharmacologic intervention to treat symptoms of emotion dysregulation in children and adolescents with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) and TSC-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorder (TAND).
Remote Assessment and Intervention for Behavior Problems in Kids With TSC
The RAINBOW study is a fully remote study focused on understanding and treating behavior problems in young children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). The first goal is to enroll a group of 100 children with TSC between the ages of 3 and 6 years old, with and without problem behaviors, to learn about how best to measure behavioral challenges in TSC and how common these behaviors are during this age period. All families will get feedback from the clinical assessments collected. Eligible children who are experiencing behavior problems will be invited to enroll in a pilot clinical trial of internet-based Parent-Child Interaction ...
Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Lung Disease
This study is designed to evaluate the genetics involved in the development of lung disease by surveying genes involved in the process of breathing and examining the genes in lung cells of patients with lung disease. The study will focus on defining the distribution of abnormal genes responsible for processes directly involved in different diseases affecting the lungs of patients and healthy volunteers. Optional CT Sub-study The standard CT scan will be compared to the low dose radiation CT scan for the 150 subjects enrolled in the sub-study to assess the variation between the two techniques. Specifically, the...